Ausgewählte Filme zum Datenschutz

Ausgewählte Datenschutzfilme für Mai 2019

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For May, we have chosen to feature Casper™ Cloaking Technology. This revolutionary technology is an architectural film for glass walls that obscures digital screens to outside view.


Casper is the perfect confidentiality cloak, obscuring only the light transmitted by large LED displays. Anyone looking into the room from the outside sees just a black screen, while everyone in the room can work freely with peace of mind.

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How does Casper Cloaking Technology work?
The light from the television screens oscillates in all directions naturally, LED displays filter this light into a vertical orientation. Casper filters the vertical oscillations allowing for complete privacy outside of the room.

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This is a breakthrough that will unleash space design in the networked modern world. Casper™ is the only cloaking technology of its kind anywhere. You have to see it to believe it.

To find out further information, or to order a sample, visit

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