It?s possible to purchase both patterned and striped window films as separate styles. But what happens when you merge both styles together? – The ability to benefit from patterned privacy window films with stripes. 

Suitable for internal or external window glass, striped patterned privacy window films mimic various glass textures from etched glass to frosted glass. All in the form of stripes! This specialised window film category allows you to achieve a highly customised look, in that patterned stripes greatly enhance privacy compared with standard striped window films. By the same token, the use of stripes means the entire glass isn?t obscured by a pattern, as is often the case with patterned privacy window film, allowing more natural light into the room.

هنا في الأفلام الزجاجية، لدينا سوليكس® SOLYX striped patterned privacy window films can be selected to match your exact needs. You?ll find styles which vary depending on the environment and required privacy levels.

Before making your purchase, here is an overview of window films which offer privacy through the use of stripes and patterns combined to guide you. 

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