
Reeded Window Film

Reeded window film is an easy way to achieve the distinct look of reeded glass (also known as ribbed glass) on glass surfaces such as windows, doors or glass cabinets. All without having to replace your actual window glass!

Creating instant window privacy, reeded window film is extremely popular for its ability to give any glass surface an instant style makeover.

Our reeded window films can be applied to interior glass, including glass which contains single or double panes of glass. Easy to apply and remove, window film is renter friendly for homes and commercial premises alike. 

Here at Glass Films, our SOLYX® window films with reeded glass effects are available in a range of styles and colours. All of which allows you to customise the overall look to your glass surfaces.


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Simple Frosted Window Film (19)

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Reeded Glass Window Film – Category Overview 

Reeded glass window film is a popular style of decorative window film. 

Actual reeded glass has been around since 1885, when inventors Frederick Mason and John Conqueror sought to reduce waste during the glass production process. The result was the style we now recognise as reeded glass, and ever since its invention, reeded glass is a trend which never seems to go away for too long. 

Fun fact: The name ‘reeded glass’ gets its name from its design which resembles the look of bamboo or reed plants. 

Giving a subtle distorted look to glass, it’s easy to see why reeded glass is a firm favourite of architects, interior designers and homeowners alike. In recent times, there have been countless videos, social media posts and blogs showing how reeded glass window film can be used to transform all types of glass surfaces.

So whether you want to style up small panes of door glass, or create privacy for your office window glass, reeded glass offers style and substance in abundance. [/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_empty_space height=”45px”][vc_single_image image=”360534″ img_size=”Large” alignment=”center”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_separator][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]

What Are Reeded Glass Film For Windows?

As with many of our window films, reeded glass window films replicate a complicated and costly glass design in the cost-effective format of a window film.

The distinctive visual look of real reeded glass (also known as ribbed glass) is made when molten glass is pushed through a pair of rollers with a pattern of parallel ridges or grooves. The rollers can have different parameters applied which impacts the overall look of the finished design. 

Reeded window film mimics the designs achieved by this manual glass production process, even down to the varying reeding spacing, which ranges from ¼” to 1”. This allows you as a homeowner, commercial building owner or designer to select the exact look of reeded glass you wish to achieve, but within an easy to apply and remove format of a window film.

There are no shortage of ways that reeded window film can be used. Though some common ideas include windows, doors, glass partitions and cabinets with glass panels. While reeded window film is often used in kitchens and offices, it can also be applied to glass wardrobe doors to partially obscure what’s stored behind.

The majority of reeded window films offer a medium level of privacy. That’s because they still let plenty of light into the room, but they do not fully obscure what lies behind the glass. This makes reeded window film perfect for when some privacy is desired, but equally, some transparency is also required too. For example, to see what lies within kitchen cabinets or behind glass door panels.

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How Does Reeded Glass Film Help Achieve Window Privacy?


Reeded glass offers a medium level of window privacy. This is achieved by the distinct banding which runs along the design, replicating the pattern made by rollers when creating actual reeded glass. The bands vary in width depending on the style, meaning you can opt for banding which is tightly packed together or slightly more spaced out.

In either case, when reeded window film is applied to a glass surface, the ability to see through to the other side of the glass is reduced. While reeded film is not designed to offer complete privacy like some of our other window film styles, it does enhance the level of privacy compared with the original transparent glass. [/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]

Types Of Reeded Glass Film For Windows


Our team of window film experts are on hand to answer any questions you may have about reeded window film.

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Reeded Glass Films – Usage Ideas

If you’ve ever browsed social media in recent times, there’s no shortage of ways that reeded window film is being put to good use. Since the design can be applied in a matter of seconds, reeded window film is also considered renter-friendly, not to mention hassle-free!

Here are just some of the ideas to explore for reeded window film, given its suitability for commercial and residential projects alike.

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Reeded Glass Door

Glass doors may have large panes of glass, or be made up of smaller sections of glass. As window film can be cut to size, it can instantly create a reeded glass effect regardless of the size of the glass. In particular, reeded window film is an excellent choice for those wanting to upgrade the style of their glass door, but also gain a small degree of glass privacy. [/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]

Reeded Glass Cabinet

Glass cabinets in kitchens, hallways, bathrooms and bedrooms may have worldly treasures stored behind them. So while there might not be a need to completely obscure the glass, some level of distortion in the form of reeding can help create a more tidy look to the space. 

Reeded window film also instantly updates the look of the room, all in a way that’s cost-effective and can be easily changed at any time in the future. This makes reeded window film a great choice when making over a room or a single piece of furniture. [/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_empty_space height=”50px”][vc_single_image image=”360535″ img_size=”Large” alignment=”center”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

Reeded Glass Bathroom Window

Does your bathroom window feel overlooked? While other privacy window films exist elsewhere on our website, reeded window film is one solution to consider. In particular, if you are looking to achieve the stylistic look of reeded glass for your bathroom window. [/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]

 Reeded Glass Shower Screen

Bathroom transformations don’t come easier than reeded window film! Creating a retro touch to the look of shower screen glass, reeded window film enhances privacy for your shower. When applied, your shower, tiles and products are somewhat obscured by the reeding pattern on the glass. Window film is also a cost-effective alternative to purchasing a real reeded glass shower screen.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space height=”60px”][vc_separator][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

How To Choose A Reeded Window Film

Reeded glass window films are available in a variety of styles and colours. On each product listing, you’ll find full product details to guide you. Here are some of the main aspects to consider.

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Window Colour

Reeded glass window films are mostly transparent. However, some colour options do exist such as lilac, green or black.


Fire Rated Window Film

If your project requires fire rated window film and you also wish to have a reeded effect on your window film, then our most suitable option is the SX-1254 Reeded Glass Seamless.

Have any other building regulations or safety standards that need to be adhered to? Please contact our team so we can help you select the most appropriate window film for your project.


Window Film Size

Whether you’re working with small window panes or large panes of glass, our reeded window films are available in different sized rolls.

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Interior Or Exterior

Toggle between interior or exterior to view window films suitable for different environments. Some reeded window films are suitable for exterior application, and details of these styles are listed on individual product pages.


Reed Band Width (¼” ½” or 1” wide)

The spacing between each individual reed can be ¼”, ½” or 1” apart. While the differences are quite subtle, ¼” offers a design that’s more tightly packed together, whereas the 1” spacing is slightly more relaxed.


 Level Of Window Privacy (Low To High)

Our reeded window films offer a medium level of window privacy.

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Benefits Of Reeded Window Film

Adding a stylish look to any glass surface, reeded window film packs in plenty of personality. These are just some of the benefits that can be enjoyed with this style of window film.

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Replicates An Expensive Glass Pattern In A Cost-Effective Way


Real reeded glass is incredibly expensive to produce, and can also have long lead times associated. This can make using real reeded glass too costly for most projects, especially commercial projects where lots of glass may be required.

Reeded window film is not only far cheaper but can also be installed and removed within a matter of minutes. All of which not only makes reeded window film purse friendly, but also far less disruptive compared with replacing your actual window glass.

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Offers An Instant Transformation For Doors, Windows, Shower Glass And Cabinets


Reeded glass textures have gained popularity once again in recent times, having been first invented in the 1800s.

When wanting to perform a quick makeover to any space, window film is one of the easiest ways to transform the look of the furniture or room as a whole. While window film is designed to remain in place for several years, it can also be removed or replaced whenever you choose.

We encourage you to check out some of the fantastic renovations involving reeded window film to see what’s possible with this highly versatile decorative feature.


 Glass Films – All Window Film Designs

This page is dedicated to our reeded window film. However, elsewhere on our website you’ll also find other window film designs including:

Shop all Glass Films window film styles[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space][vc_separator][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]

 Reeded Window Film UK FAQs

We’ve answered some of the most common questions about purchasing window films with reeded patterns below. 

If you don’t see your query, please get in touch with our customer service team by calling us on  0800 970 6366 or email us at [email protected].

You can also keep up to date with our latest news and product launches by following us on Twitter, Facebook or Pinterest[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”18px”][vc_empty_space height=”18px”][vc_toggle title=”What Is Reeded Glass?”]Reeded glass is sometimes known as ribbed glass. Reeded glass is the name given to glass which has been passed through a pair of rollers. This creates indentations in the glass which resemble a reed plant. [/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”How Do You Make Glass Look Reeded? “]Reeded glass film for windows is the easiest way to achieve the look of reeded glass, without having to change your actual glass. Since reeded glass is a production technique, there is no way of transforming existing glass to feature a reeded effect other than using window film.[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”Should Reeded Glass Be Horizontal Or Vertical? “]Technically, the orientation of reeded glass film can be horizontal or vertical depending on how it is applied to the glass. That said, our reeded window film is intended to be applied vertically as shown in the product images.[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=” Can You Apply Safety Film On Reeded Glass?”]All window film including safety film needs to be applied to plain (i.e. non-textured) glass to ensure proper adhesion. Therefore, we would not advise applying safety film onto real reeded glass. [/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”Is Reeded Glass Expensive?”]Yes! Actual reeded glass is extremely expensive as it’s a specialist glass production technique. That’s why reeded window film makes for a cost-effective alternative. Reeded glass film for windows will give the look of reeded glass but within the format of an easy to apply and remove window film. [/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”Is Fluted Glass The Same As Reeded Glass?”]
No. While both fluted glass and reeded glass look similar, each style has some subtle differences. In short, reeded glass typically has narrow and parallel ridges that run vertically, resembling the look of reeds or bamboo. Fluted glass also has vertical lines or grooves, though these grooves are broader in appearance compared with reeded glass. 

In search of a fluted glass effect for your window film? Check out our SGC-6515 Fluted Glass. [/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”Is Ribbed Glass The Same As Fluted Glass? “]Ribbed glass is another term used for reeded window film. As noted above, reeded (or ribbed) glass has some similarities to fluted glass. However, there are some visual differences in terms of the grooves and individual spacing of the pattern applied. 

In search of a ribbed glass effect for your glass? Check out our ribbed glass window film. [/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=” What Can I Put On My Windows So That I Can See Out But Nobody Can See In?”]One way window film will allow you to still be able to see out of your windows, though will limit the ability for anyone else to see inside your home or office. While reeded window film will also allow you to gain some window privacy, a more suitable style for this specific requirement would be our SX-SG09 Silver / Grey One Way Daytime Privacy. [/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”Can People See Through Window Film At Night?”]The ability for people to see through window film at night depends on the lighting both inside and outside of the window. If you are concerned about window privacy, including at night, then check out our privacy window films.

SXB-89 Salmon Pink Sand Blast is one of the many safety window films we stock which brings untempered glass to tempered glass safety standards. Full details of any applicable safety standards can be found on each product listing. Alternatively, please contact us for further information. [/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=” How Do I Make My Windows Private Without Curtains?”]Window film will allow you to gain instant window privacy without having to install curtains or blinds. Since window film is easy to install and remove, it is also considered renter friendly. Therefore, for any scenario where curtains aren’t suitable or practical (i.e. rented accommodation or internal office glass) window film will give you the privacy you need. [/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”Are Window Films Worth It?”]Absolutely! Window films come in a vast range of styles, and are an alternative to replacing your actual windows. This means you don’t have to undertake costly and disruptive renovation work to change the look of your windows, doors or other internal glass. At any point, window films can be removed making them renter friendly, not to mention highly versatile. [/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=” How Do Window Films Work?”]Window films are pieces of adhesive vinyl which adhere to your window or similar glass surfaces. A window film can contain patterns or mimic textures to add a stylistic look to the glass while enhancing privacy. It is easy to apply and remove window films making them a simple and cost-effective option whenever you wish to change the look of your glass surfaces. Check out our window film installation guide to learn more about how our window films work.[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle title=”Which Glass Is Best For Bathroom Window? “]Any glass used in bathroom areas needs to offer a high level of privacy. If your existing bathroom window doesn’t seem private enough, then window film can increase the level of privacy without having to replace the glass itself. [/vc_toggle][/vc_column][/vc_row]